Welcome to my website !!! I'm so happy that you're here In some time I'll be better at coding and i'll learn how to put my photos on here.
I hope i can start up a blog and show you more about what i do for a living
ok so this website stuff is a bit harder than i thought. Shocker, that's why its a whole degree. Anyways i figure with the way i have it now i can go in for a biblical yap sesh. My name is Contra, and if you've been linked this website, hello, I probably want a job from you. If you're from the AP, AFP, UPI or Reuters, please give me a job, preferably in the most dangerous environment you have. In the future this will be the place where I put lots of my photos and where you can get to know me a bit better. Also i coded this myself, so if that impresses you (it should) then take that into consideration.
This website is one of them living doccuments so it should improve in quality as I learn more about HTML and CSS and as my photos improve. I'm a pretty good photographer, but there's always more to learn, currently I'm working on off-body flash photography.
recently, i built a blog.
I still don't fully know how to add images, but i'm trying my best! :(
ain't that badass? I took that.
To do: