White Hot Forever!

Welcome to my website !!! I'm so happy that you're here In some time I'll be better at coding and i'll learn how to put my photos on here.

I hope i can start up a blog and show you more about what i do for a living

ok so this website stuff is a bit harder than i thought. Shocker, that's why its a whole degree. Anyways i figure with the way i have it now i can go in for a biblical yap sesh. My name is Contra, and if you've been linked this website, hello, I probably want a job from you. If you're from the AP, AFP, UPI or Reuters, please give me a job, preferably in the most dangerous environment you have. In the future this will be the place where I put lots of my photos and where you can get to know me a bit better. Also i coded this myself, so if that impresses you (it should) then take that into consideration.

This website is one of them living doccuments so it should improve in quality as I learn more about HTML and CSS and as my photos improve. I'm a pretty good photographer, but there's always more to learn, currently I'm working on off-body flash photography.

recently, i built a blog.

I still don't fully know how to add images, but i'm trying my best! :(

4 ship formation of fighter jets

ain't that badass? I took that.

To do: