April 15, 2024

I'm tired, boss. I just found out that I have a 12 page single spaced paper due in about 20 days. This ain't even for my degree, this is for my minor. Boy, I love linguistics, hopefully I can take it easy at work so that I have a bit of breathing room. There are some weird boxes around this table sheet and I don't know how to make it look nice, it would be good to get some help with it.

April 9, 2024

I'm not sure about how this whole blog thing works, but today was decent i guess. This post really is just to check how this nonsense works out in chronological order

April 8, 2024

I DID IT, I MADE A BLOG POST!! Hello everybody, if you've scrolled this far you must be really bored, but i can't blame you. We all get this way. My system might be clunky, but I really like this, and I can now make posts about whatever. Hopefully i'll figure out how to make images extra cool and post here ~once a week. Ideally once this is all the way up, I'll be able to post daily. Since you're so cool for scrolling this far, here's something from my personal collection.